Home Page----Family Events----Children's Fishing----Rifle Range----4-H Club

JROTC----History----Newsletters----EDDIE EAGLE

Working Together with the NRA

Club works to protect sporting for our children!

NRA GRANT MONIES - NRA has provided grant monies exceeding more than $7000 to our Club

and the 4-H Club since 1998. The Club has already purchased its own training firearms

and other equipment thanks to grant monies provided by NRA.

Other equipment for use with the HTE course and SportsFest has also been purchased.

We expect more monies to be issued for 2002 in order to support the SportsFest and 4-H projects.

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Once again, I know many of you that do not agree with all the things the NRA expounds,

however the NRA is the only national organization of its kind working to protect

and preserve our Second Amendment rights. If you're not a card-carrying member,

PLEASE consider joining or renewing your NRA membership! And sign up a friend or family member!

If you wait, it may be too late. Do not be so naive to think that it cannot happen to us!

The anti-gunners and anti-hunters are rolling!!!!

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You can renew your NRA membership through the club for $30 (saving yourself $5 off the regular membership fee) - AND the club will get $5 back from your renewal fee! The club gets $10 back for each new NRA member who joins for only $25 through our club! Pete Mathews (814-398-4368) has the forms you have to fill out with our club's identification number if you wish to do this!