SR&GC Rules.
Range/Club Rules are posted at various locations throughout the facility.
It is every member's responsibility to read and follow all the posted signs.
Safety is everyone's responsibilty.  If you see an unsafe act:  be polite, but say something. 
The life you save may be your own.  
According to the club Bylaws, memberships can and will be canceled if you are considered to be a liability to the organization

Please tidy up the range when you are done:
* Clean up the shed area.
* Clean up any targets in the field that are not usable for others.

Below you will find the rules of the range found around the facility.

Springs Rod & Gun CLub - Range & Safety Rules

Just as our nation requires participation from citizens who can think for themselves, so are the users of the club facilities expected to show initiative and responsibility for safety in all circumstances. Please act with cooperation and respect for others, and users of all the facilities should be able to safely enjoy our club. Members are urged to come to club meetings with any questions, or any input to promote the success of our organization.

Range Rules:
  1) Ranges open at 8 am, and close at 8 pm, or sundown, whichever is sooner.
  2) Range use is limited to members and their guests. If you have been a guest 2 or 3 times, we request you buy a membership. New members are always welcome!
  3) All Range users must sign Range Sign-In forms and posses a valid membership card.
  4) The Fishing Pond and the Shooting Ranges cannot be used at the same time. Always be sure ALL facilities are safe before using one, and please be considerate of others. Obviously, the Rifle and Pistol Range users must coordinate their down range times.
  5) Use only proper targets. Glass, tin cans, plastic, etc. are not permitted on our ranges. After your shooting session, please clean up your targets and brass.
  6) Please leave targets near the backstop. If shooting closer than the preset distance, move the firing line up, not the targets back.
  7) Metal reactive targets at the Pistol Range require special safety considerations.
    * Always shoot from at least 15 yards back from the targets.
    * Limit ammunition to centerfire pistol calibers or .22 long rifle and milder.

Please use common sense. Ricochets can be deadly.
  8) Tannerite type products and Full Auto fire, as well as .50 BMG caliber, are prohibited on our ranges except at prescheduled times arranged with the Club approval.
  9) No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are permitted on the shooting ranges.

Safety Rules;
  1) Be sure the gun is safe to operate, and you know how to use it safely!
  2) Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. (i.e. downrange.)
  3) Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
  4) Always keep the action open and the firearm unloaded until ready to shoot.
  5) Always wear ear and eye protection at every shooting session.
  6) All firearms shall be benched with actions open when ever anyone is downrange. Do not handle firearms for any reason when others are downrange.

Violators of these rules will be dealt with according to the Bylaws of the Club, and their membership may be revoked.

If you observe anyone violating these rules, please record as many details as possible and report the incident to one of the Club Officers. If you observe illegal activity, please report it to the State Police.

Thank you for your cooperation!